Course Syllabus

American Government and Politics


Length of Course: One Semester

Who may enroll in the Course: This course is designed for 12th graders


Instructor: Mr. Corona


Course Description: Students will become familiar with the general concepts of the American Governmental system and current political, legal, and governmental issues.


Course Objectives: Students successfully completing this course will:  

  1. Know important facts and concepts pertaining to U.S. government and politics.
  2. Be able to analyze and interpret basic data relevant to U.S. politics.
  3. Understand typical patterns of political processes and behaviors.
  4. Critically analyze and reflect the current political climate and issues



  1. Textbook: United States Government: Democracy in action, Remy, Richard C, 2006
  2. Extra Materials: Paper, Pen, and a # 2 pencil are needed.
  3. Google Chromebook or other digital device with internet capability charged and ready to go.

*If at any point you stop having internet the district is still promoting low-cost connectivity on the PUHSD website



Methodology: This course is conducted using a variety of methods: Lecture/discussion, online group activities and projects, independent research, and presentations. A variety of film clips and videos are also used throughout the course.  

 Engagement: logging on through our google meets, keeping up with the daily activities and assignments, and active participation.

Videos and Documentaries: Students will view videos pertinent to Government and Politics. These videos will be used to encourage debate, discussion, participation, teach Political discourse, and different political party agendas and point of views. Occasionally these videos will contain explicit language. Students will be warned if video contains explicit language and have the option to abstain.  

Debates and Discussions: In this course of American Government, students will be exposed to many topics and issues occurring in our country, and some of them could be sensitive to discuss and debate upon. In Government we learn about Politics and in order to attempt to understand the major political issues, we will debate and discuss. Preparing students for how to debate and discuss in a safe learning environment is key to learning. If ever a student does not feel comfortable in partaking, then student can abstain. The purpose of Debates and Discussion is to prepare students for the real world by empowering through knowledge, so that as adults they can confront and defend their values and beliefs.


District Grading Policy: Students are graded by points and grades are on a strict percentage basis as per District policy:


90-100% =A    80-89% =B      70-79% =C      60-69% =D      0-59% =F


            Grades are based on tests and quizzes, online class activities and assignments, groups and individual online presentations, and active participation. Extra credit will be limited in this course and students are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity when it is available. Many assignments and activities CANNOT be made up. All missed assignments must be made up within a reasonable time. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for make-up work.                              


Attendance and Grades: I expect students to attend my online class on a regular basis.

            Excessive absenteeism will result in a failing grade. The district’s attendance and grade policy will be followed. Students who miss tests due to absence can make up the exam immediately with evidence.


Remember, I do not give grades, Students earn them. American Government is a requirement for graduation.


Class Discipline:


Discipline problems will not be tolerated in this class. Polite, courteous behavior is expected at all times. Students should conduct themselves in a proper manner. Every student has the right to learn and I will not tolerate online class disruption.


I am committed to doing my best for each of you. I will present the course using a variety of strategies so that each of you will have the opportunity to be successful. We can meet online during both the Synchronized and Asynchronized days. Do not wait until it is too late to say that you need assistance. Ask if you do not understand something. Also, I cannot stress the importance for you to do well in this class especially because it is a graduation requirement. I am looking forward to meeting each of you. Welcome to this fascinating class of American Government.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due