Latin American Studies Unit 4 Study Guide


Know your vocabulary visual terms (Don’t have to define):


Subservient Status


Anti Slavery

Mexican American border



Third World


Transcontinental Railroad


Texas Rangers



Bandit or Bandito




Answer the following Questions:



After Mexican American War Study Guide


What happened in Mexicans living in US after the Mexican American War?


Why did many African American Slaves escape to Mexico?


Why were Mexicans afraid of Vigilantes?


How did Mexicans become socialized to become more American?


How did US railroads help US?


Why would Americans lynch Mexicans?


Why would Euro-Americans station Black soldiers in Mexican American areas?


What did Texas Rangers do when hired to create higher Euro-American order?


Why were Mexican Women encouraged to marry Euro-Americans?


Why did Mexicans become Bandits?


Why were some Mexicans encouraged to enter US?


How did some Mexicans peacefully fight discrimination?


What happened to Euro-Americans education and Mexican Americans education from 1850-1900?


How did Euro-Americans view Mexican women during the late 1800’s?


How did Mexican women help out their husbands in times of need?


How did Railroads ultimately bring much needed change by 1900?