Latin/Mexican American Final


Ch.  1 Meso American study guide

Answer for following questions:


Who are three of the major Meso-American Civilizations?


What part of the World did Native Americans originally come from? 


When did hunters and gatherers first migrate through the Barring Strait?


Where were the Olmecs from?


What country were the Aztecs Primarily from?


What country were the Mayans primarily from


What were the Olmecs known for?


When did the Spanish explorers first begin exploring and settling the region of the Americas?


Why did only a small amount of indigenous settle in the Arctic and Subarctic area?


Where did the Incas live?


What were the Europeans in deep need of?


Who is Christopher Columbus prior to discovering America?


What role did Queen Isabella of Spain have for Columbus?


Unit 2 Study Guide


Know the following terms or people?






Christopher Columbus

Hernan Cortez

Queen Ezabela







Answer the following Questions


When did Columbus discover America?


Who were the Muslim moors?


From who did Columbus get financed to sail to America?


Why did other explorers want to come to America after Columbus?


What kind of Dog did Europeans bring?


What were the most profitable commodities of goods that Europeans sought in America?


What were haciendas?


What were Missions?


What event occurred in Europe that led to Spain’s Downfall during their colonial rule of the Americas?


Why did Mexico fight for Independence?


When did Mexico get its Independence?


Unit 3 Mexican American War Study Guide


Define following terms:


Mexican American War

Santa Anna


Battle of The Alamo

Sam Houston

Stephen Austin

Indentured Servants


Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

James k Polk


Manifest Destiny


Answer following questions:

How did the Mexican American war begin?

How was Mexico’s military strength prior to the Mexican American war?

Why did many Americans come to Texas during the 1820’s?

What did most Americans think about making Slavery illegal in Texas?

What did Houston and Austin Want from Mexico?

What was the result of the Battle of the Alamo?

What main event resulted in the Mexican American War?

In the eyes of Mexican what were the 2000 Euro-American Volunteers during the Mexican American War known for?

Why were Americans ferocious towards the Mexican population?

What did US Naval ships do during the Mexican American War?

What did Abraham Lincoln think about the Mexican American War?

What happened to many of the Mexican soldiers once they were captured?

What was President’s Polk plan since the beginning of the Mexican American War?

Who were the Nino Heroes?

What did US gain from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

What did Mexico gain from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

What happened to Mexicans living in the new US acquired territory after the War?

Why was President Polk not happy with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?


Unit 4 After Mexican American War Study Guide


Know your vocabulary visual terms (Don’t have to define):



Anti Slavery

Mexican American border



Third World


Transcontinental Railroad

Texas Rangers



Bandit or Bandito




Answer the following Questions:




What happened in Mexicans living in US after the Mexican American War?


Why did many African American Slaves escape to Mexico?


Why were Mexicans afraid of Vigilantes?


How did Mexicans become socialized to become more American?


How did US railroads help US?


Why would Americans lynch Mexicans?


Why would Euro-Americans station Black soldiers in Mexican American areas?


What did Texas Rangers do when hired to create higher Euro-American order?


Why were Mexican Women encouraged to marry Euro-Americans?


Why did Mexicans become Bandits?


Why were some Mexicans encouraged to enter US?


How did some Mexicans peacefully fight discrimination?


What happened to Euro-Americans education and Mexican Americans education from 1850-1900?


How did Euro-Americans view Mexican women during the late 1800’s?


How did Mexican women help out their husbands in times of need?


How did Railroads ultimately bring much needed change by 1900?





Mexican Revolution Study Guide


Know the following terms:

Tierra y Libertad

Porfirio Diaz

Francisco  Madero

Emiliano Zapata

Pancho Villa

Agrarian reform


Lazaro Cardenas





Answer the following Questions

How did Porfirio Diaz continue to get reelected?

How long was Porfirio Diaz President of Mexico?

What race was Porfirio Diaz?

What did he do before being President?

What did Porfirio Diaz think about the Mexican culture?

Where did Porfirio Diaz flee once the uprising broke out?

Who was President after Porfirio Diaz and how long did he last?

Who was Madero overthrown by?

How did US react to the ousting of Madero?

Who were the Constitutionalist?

How was Huerta overthrown in 1914?

What part of Mexico did Villa and Zapata fight from?

What did Villa and Zapata want from the large hacienda owners and foreign investors?

How many people died during the Mexican Revolution

How was Zapata and Villa defeated?

How did the Constitutionalist buy their modern weapons?

How was Zapata and Villa killed?

How long is one term for a President of Mexico?

Why did the Constitutionalist adopt many of Zapata’s and Villa’s ideas?

Why did were the Constitutions Reforms not implemented right away?

What did the Revolution do for the Arts?

Who were some of these famous painters known for their works about the Mexican Revolution?

What happened to President Obregon in 1928?

Who was his successor and what political party did he create?

What did Cardenas implement as a result of the 1917 Constitution?