Mexican Revolution Study Guide


Know the following terms:

Tierra y Libertad

Porfirio Diaz

Francisco  Madero

Emiliano Zapata

Pancho Villa

Agrarian reform


Lazaro Cardenas





Answer the following Questions

How did Porfirio Diaz continue to get reelected?

How long was Porfirio Diaz President of Mexico?

What race was Porfirio Diaz?

What did he do before being President?

What did Porfirio Diaz think about the Mexican culture?

Where did Porfirio Diaz flee once the uprising broke out?

Who was President after Porfirio Diaz and how long did he last?

Who was Madero overthrown by?

How did US react to the ousting of Madero?

Who were the Constitutionalist?

How was Huerta overthrown in 1914?

What part of Mexico did Villa and Zapata fight from?

What did Villa and Zapata want from the large hacienda owners and foreign investors?

How many people died during the Mexican Revolution

How was Zapata and Villa defeated?

How did the Constitutionalist buy their modern weapons?

How was Zapata and Villa killed?

How long is one term for a President of Mexico?

Why did the Constitutionalist adopt many of Zapata’s and Villa’s ideas?

Why did were the Constitutions Reforms not implemented right away?

What did the Revolution do for the Arts?

Who were some of these famous painters known for their works about the Mexican Revolution?

What happened to President Obregon in 1928?

Who was his successor and what political party did he create?

What did Cardenas implement as a result of the 1917 Constitution?